Advantages of rod socks
⚫️ Rod protection to prevent damage to the blank and the rod rings including the rod tip
🔵 No tangling of lines with other pre-rigged rods
🔴 Including clamp with rubber band to fix on the roll
🟢 The rod sock is light, space-saving, quick to put on, stretchy and breathable (10 colors to choose from)
🟣 We manufacture ourselves: Simply request custom-made products using the contact form
Which sock do you need?
Cast 2-piece neoprene rod socks from €9.95,-
New: The first neoprene baitcaster socks for 2-piece in 3 sizes (rod length 190cm to 240cm)
NEO Spin M 170cm at a trial price of €11.95,-
New: Neoprene sock for spinning rods as one piece in 170cm length for rods from 2m to 2.4m
Rutensocke Lure Wrap / Köderschutz für 4.95,-
Schützt dich und deinen Köder sicher beim Transport. Kein Verhaken mit anderen Ruten mehr.
NEW!!! Custom-made mesh socks are now available in the shop when selecting products. NEW!!!